Welcome to the community! You’ve come to the right place to find answers to all of your important questions and to get connected to your association! If you are new to association living, please be sure to visit our FAQ page.
You may submit your information by completing the form on the right side of this page. Please note that the owner information you enter must match the information on the property deed. Documentation verifying ownership must be submitted to CAMS by the closing attorney* or by the property owner in order for a new account to be setup. You may attach any documents and supplemental information when completing the form.
*Please note it may take several weeks for CAMS to receive closing documents from the attorney
If you know your CAMS account number and you have not received an email from CAMS with your online portal login information, please click HERE to visit the portal login page and click “sign up”.
If your Association is new to CAMS, portal registrations will become available on your Association’s start date. We appreciate your patience!
Below is a short video with instructions should you need assistance signing up or logging in. Once you’ve logged into your portal, you may update your contact information, change your billing preferences, make payments and submit requests directly to the association.
Most Neighbors maintain that the biggest benefit of their association is preserving the value and integrity of their individual investment.